Welcome to B Grant Art...Fine Art Paintings 

Bert Grant Original Fine Art

Summer's Embrace

20"X16" Acrylic on Canvas

Original for Sale

Lower Pool Park

20"X16" Acrylic on Canvas

Prints Only Available


20"X16" Acrylic on Canvas

Prints Only Available

Mountain View Bistro

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

At the River Crossing

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available


8"X10" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

All is Calm

24"X18" Acrylic on Canvas

Available in Prints Only

At the Ice Pond

14"x11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Remembring Spring

14"x11' Acrylic on Canvas

Original and prints Available

Hills of Campobello

20"X16" Acrylic on Canvas

Origimal and Prints Available

Look Past the Rain

20"X16" Acrylic On Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Woodpecker Paridise

24"x18" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available


20"x16' Mixed Media on Canvas

Prints Only Available


Back in Time

14"x11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

At the Bend in Tthe River

Prints Only Available


24" x 18" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Avaolable

Valley View

16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available


11" x 14" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Along the Back Roads

Prints Only Available


Prints Only Available

New Day Awaits

Prints Only Available

Red Barns

Prints Only Available

Autumn at Sugar Mountain

Prints Only Available

Mountain Countryside

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Prints Only Available

Sailing in Aruba

Prints Only Available

Sky on Fire

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Old Barn in the Mountains

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Fly Fishing

14"X 11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Winter Bells

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

She Will Show You the Way

21"X16" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Autumn Serenity

14"X11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

 Thinking of You

11"X14" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Sunrise at the Lake

16"X20" Acrylic on Canvas

Prints Only Available

Beach Peace

11"X14" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Aspen Country

16"X20" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available


20"X16" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Sail Away

Prints Only Available

Christmas at the Lighthouse

11"X14" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Autumn Sunset

8"X10" Acrylic on Canvas

Orignal and Prints Available

Family Picnic by the Stream

 Prints Only Available

Boats Along the River

16"X20" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Going Upstream

Prints Only Available

Kitty Kat in the Garden

Prints Only Available

Betsy Bluebell

Prints Only Available


14" x 11" Acrylic on Canvas

Original Available

Prints Available

Pappilon Banditos

Prints Only Available


11"X14" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Family Sleighride

16"X20" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

Childrens Picnic at the Pond

16"X20" Acrylic on Canvas

Original and Prints Available

This Gallery represents only a small portion of art works and available items. 

To order originals, prints or request additional information be sure to go to the "Order Art" page.

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